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KST 07 Trumhållare

KST 07 has cones and pins for locking the cable drum. These are locked to the chassis when not used. KST 07 has a robust welded chassis holding the shaft.

Drum holder/ Fiber cloth holder
Spearlength: 1600 mm
Speardiameter: 70 mm
Max load: 2000 kg

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Used for carrying cable drum with Excavator K4-K28.

KST 07 has cones and pins for locking the cable drum. These are locked to the chassis when not used. KST 07 has a robust welded chassis holding the shaft.

Drum holder/ Fiber cloth holder
Spearlength: 1600 mm
Speardiameter: 70 mm
Max load: 2000 kg

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